Well sweet friend, here it is. A brand new year. These are a few things I am looking forward to in the coming year...
I'm sure this is on everyone's list. But seriously though. A few years ago, I lost a ton of weight. I lost 29 pounds using p90x and Shakeology- I felt great and had some success for about the next six months. Then I started teaching. Then I gained ALLLLLL that mess back + more. So, time to get it off again and KEEP it off this time. I.WILL.RESIST.THE.BIRTHDAY.CUPCAKES. (does it feel like there's some kind of festivity that involves sugar at least once a week as a teacher, or is that just me?!) So anyways, yeah. Ain't nobody got time for p90x anymore, so I'll be doing 21 Day Fix and maybe some p90x3 (the thirty minute ones!). Ready for the goal - here it comes....
My Goal: Lose 45 pounds by June and stop eating CRAP. (If I write it online, it MUST come true right?!)
Next up - I want to really dig into some professional development books this year. I have a list of quite a few that I want to read, between teaching related, parenting related, and just life in general related, but I'd love any recommendations! What are you reading? Here comes my goal for this one....
My Goal: Read 50 professional development books this year (and let's face it, most of them will happen over summer break!)
Now for another big one - my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I absolutely LOVE everything about TPT and lots of my moolah goes to this amazing resource where teachers sell their products to help other teachers. I started my store about a month ago, and seriously - it's like AMAZING when that little cha-ching goes off! (The first time it happened was on my apple watch in class and I did a little happy dance - my students thought it was hilarious!) I really want to add a lot of products to my store as well as to promote it more. Wait for it, wait for it.....
My Goal: Add 50 new products to my store this year (again, this will happen over breaks haha!)
OK, so this one isn't really a goal.. just something I am looking forward to! Last summer, I spent a LOT of time in my classroom and getting ready for the upcoming school year, etc. This summer, I am NOT changing my classroom theme (help me stay strong with that!) - so hopefully I can spend at least a little time relaxing this year. :)
OK, this is a big one y'all. I am SO excited to go to the TPT conference!!! Like squealing crazy lady excited. I also love that it is driving distance for me this year and in my old stompin' grounds! I already booked a room with a couple other teacher friends, and can't wait to soak in all the knowledge and network with all the amazing teachers!
And - FINALLY my BFF is getting married! I am SO happy that she has found a special guy to spend her life with and couldn't be more excited for her!
And since we're on the topic of my BFF - after she's married, guess where she is moving?! CLOSER TO ME! Yeah!!!!! We have lived far apart (at one point, across the entire country) from each other since pretty much college. Now, she will be about 2 hours from me and in the same state, hallelujah! She is the godmother to my kiddos and I need her in my life more, in person! I guess the world just wasn't ready for us to live near each other until now - prepare for the awesomeness!
Well there ya have it - thanks for sticking around. This year holds many amazing things - let's get it started! But for now, I'm thinking about a nap. HA.
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